
9 Tips to Remember When Choosing a Financial Advisor

Choosing a financial advisor is an important step, for most people, to creating more wealth and financial security. Whether you’re a minor investor who just wants to keep your assets safe or have several thousand dollars to invest so that you can watch them grow, a financial advisor can help you do these things. Remember,…

What is a ‘Reverse Mortgage’ Scheme?

What is Reverse Mortgage? A reverse mortgage (or lifetime mortgage) is a loan available to senior citizens. The finance minister of India  introduced this scheme in 2007 which is already well known concept in the West. “Reverse mortgage”, as its name suggests, in simple words is just the  opposite of a normal housing loan.  Image…

I defaulted on my SIP Installments; what should I do now?

The extreme volatile conditions in the recent past in the markets have led to hysterical selling by many investors. And this panic-stricken selling is not limited to stocks alone. There were many investors who have redeemed their mutual fund schemes and have stopped their monthly SIPs too. However, if you look at it from the…